It begins...

As with lots of really bad ideas, this one started with a reckless New Year resolution over a pint of beer in an Indian restaurant.

Instead of resolving to 'be more active' or 'cut down on...' something I really didn't want to cut down on, I resolved to visit a local Indian restaurant every week, order a veggie curry and blog about the outcome. Eventually, I'd visit 52 restaurants, eat 52 India meals... and probably weight about 52 stone. OK, bad idea.

But it wouldn't go away - it's a great idea, if I just tone down on the 'curry a week' undertaking. And useful for anyone who is vegetarian who is looking for a great Indian meal in the Tyneside area. And in a year's time, it will offer a truly useful resource for vegetarian curry fiends like myself.

So here it is - the north east veggie curry blog. I'm not promising to blog every week, but I'm known to be a curry lover so I'll be blogging restaurant reviews regularly.

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