The Last Days of the Raj, Dinnington
The Last Days of the Raj Main Road, Dinnington Newcastle upon Tyne (01661) 598181 It's unusual for a restaurant to up-sticks, gather up its pans and move lock, stock and karahi to the next town, but that's exactly what The Last Days of the Raj did in 2015. This previously well-respected and popular Gateshead restaurant decided to forsake Low Fell and re-locate to a former mining village on the northern outskirts of Newcastle. Their new restaurant in the village of Dinnington is a substantial, stone-built affair, the classic English village pub exuding an attractive old-world charm. It certainly looks inviting, so perhaps this wasn't such a strange move after all. Inside, it's clear that whatever they may have left behind in the move, they clearly didn't forget their slightly old-fashioned panache to which their Gateshead customers had grown accustomed. Theirs was the only Indian restaurant I'd ever vi...